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Travel blogging as a Couple: 6 things to think about before starting

This is a guest publish from James as well as Sarah of The whole world or Nothing. In 2015, they stop their tasks as well as set off to see the world, while starting a travel blog to share their guidance as well as stories with others. checked out on to see what it’s like working as well as blogging as a couple! 

When we very first chose to compose a travel blog together it was so we might quickly keep our household as well as good friends as much as date with our journey, whilst documenting our experiences as well as adventures for ourselves at the exact same time.

We’d never complied with any type of blogs before we made this decision as well as though we both liked composing we didn’t truly have a hint what we were doing as well as never had any type of objective of taking it extremely seriously.

As we started to checked out much more travel blogs, we began to realise exactly how prominent they are as well as that we may draw in a larger audience. Bizarrely, we never checked out any type of blogs on exactly how to begin a blog, as well as young boy do we desire we had come across Goats on the road sooner.

They have been a huge motivation for us as well as their resources a major element in our decision to try to turn our enthusiasm for travel as well as composing into a lifestyle.

Having saved up as well as stop our jobs, we’ve now been travelling as well as blogging for 6 months.

Although we still feel like total beginners in numerous respects, we have learnt a thing or two about working together. So if you’re a couple wanting to begin a blog, here’s a few things that you requirement to think about before you get going:

Hvem gjør hva?

You requirement to choose early on exactly how to divide the tasks. Your functions requirement to be clear-cut to save duplication or resentment that a person person is doing much more than the other. Each of you will have strengths as well as weaknesses, so utilize them – for example, one of us (James) is accountable for the technical elements of the site as well as the other (Sarah) for social media.

If there’s something neither of you delight in doing you can both do it as well as take it in turns – just make sure you have a routine set in stone. Also, when one of you is accountable for a specific result don’t pester for updates or provide unasked-for advice. It’s truly annoying.

Hvem er sjefen?

Managing two visions can in some cases be difficult. We both have the exact same goals for our blog however we don’t always see eye to eye on exactly how to accomplish them, so we have to be prepared to compromise.

Everything from agreeing on whether a picture is “instagram-able”, to whether a blog is great sufficient to publish can be difficult at times. having both come from accountable positions in our previous corporate-world lives, we are utilized to making decisions as well as being accountable for them. We have butted heads at times when it comes down to who’s going to have the final say.

But we’ve learnt that calmly speaking things with as well as making a rational decision with the blog’s rate of interest in mind does the trick.

You Didn’t tell Me That?

As we both compose messages individually in addition to collaboratively, communication is truly important. We can spend a significant amount of time researching as well as believing about the blog in our own heads, however then can fail to remember to interact our thoughts as well as concepts to every other.

For example, there have been times where we have both started composing extremely similar blog messages on the exact same subject which is certainly frustrating. To prevent this, we implemented regular catch ups where we both bring an agenda, talk about our concepts as well as make sure we are moving in the exact same direction.

A Clash of Styles

We both have totally different composing styles so working on joint messages can be a genuine difficulty at times. one of us (Sarah) will just brain dump onto the page as well as then edit it about a million times, aggravating the other (James) who composes by thoroughly building each sentence, with a remove design in mind…which is similarly as infuriating!

We have learnt to appreciate these differences as well as come up with techniques to get around them, such as ensuring we are both in the mood to compose so as not to exacerbate the issue, as well as being client to enable each other wiggle space to reveal ourselves in the method that we requirement to.

It has commonly been a enjoyment as well as a headache in the exact same sitting, however we are getting much better at it as well as are extremely happy of our collaborative blogs.Hvor frekt!

Etter å ha vært sammen 8 år så vel som gift i over ett år, forstår vi absolutt hverandre ekstremt godt, men med å komponere er en så personlig ting, er det fremdeles viktig å bruke et ekspertnivå av følsomhet når vi kritiserer hverandres arbeid.

Så vær hensynsfull for partnerens følelser, så vel som å oppdage konstruktive metoder for å foreslå forbedringer i forfatterskapet deres, som du ville gjort i alle typer arbeidsmiljø. På samme måte unnlater ikke å huske din sans for humor eller ta ting også på alvor – hvis du ikke gleder deg over å komponere bloggen din, er det ikke noe poeng i å gjøre det.

Argh! Bare slutt å snakke!

Det er viktig å lære å slå av, slik at du ikke alltid snakker butikk. Ikke la det overhale ditt personlige liv eller glede av å reise så vel som alle dine nye opplevelser. For tiden føles bloggen vår fortsatt ekstremt mye som et tidsfordriv i stedet for å fungere, så det kan være enkelt å høsten i denne fellen.

Les mer: Fra tidsfordriv til yrke – den totale utviklingen av bloggen vår

Vi er ofte virkelig begeistret for ting også, for eksempel å få gode kommentarer fra besøkende eller publisere gjesteposter, så det kan være vanskelig å ikke tro på det. Som vi er sikre på at mange av deg gjør, er vi på samme måte med jevne mellomrom og inspiserer våre sosiale nettverkskontoer som ikke hjelper.

Vi prøver nå å ha en dag per uke der vi ikke snakker om, eller gjør noe for å avslutte med bloggen som har vært virkelig bra.

Er blogging som et par best for deg?

Å jobbe sammen som et par kan absolutt ha sine ulemper, men hvis du får det best, er positive ting utrolige. Vi liker å jobbe sammen siden det innebærer dobbeltbegrepene, så vel som halvparten av arbeidet. I tillegg får vi dele hverandres suksesser.

Vi har fått forstå et helt annet element av ett til, så vel som det er 100% på, siden vi ikke kjemper som i en forretningsmessig setting.

De aller første 6 månedene som ‘hele verden eller ingenting’ har vært en berg- og dalbane av UPS så vel som nedturer, så vel som til tider har det føltes som om vi har tatt to skritt fremover, så vel som gått ett skritt bakover.

Men vi er positive til at hvis du setter disse retningslinjene for bakken fra starten av, vil det sette deg i stanginnstilling for å utvikle et gledelig arbeidsforhold. Hva venter du på?!

For mye flere artikler samt informasjon om reiseblogging, inspiser ut:

Hvordan begynne en reiseblogg: En guide for nybegynnere

5 viktige trinn for å bygge en vellykket blogg

Hvordan tjene penger på en reiseblogg: En guide for nybegynnere

Forfatterens bio:

Hei! Vi er James & Sarah, et nylig ektepar i begynnelsen av trettiårene fra Nottingham, England. En beruset samtale om sommeren 2014 om å ville ha noe annet enn livet førte til at vi valgte å spare opp, stopp oppgavene våre i tillegg til å se verden. Det var noe vi hadde drømt om en stund, så vel som vi begge nådde punktet hvor vi sluttet å lage grunner i tillegg til å spurte oss selv “hvorfor ikke”? Du bare på nettet når du ikke er?! Så i november 2015 satte vi kursen på vår enorme erfaring med å reise oss rundt i Sør -Amerika så vel som Asia.

We wished to compose a blog to share our escapades, remarkable pictures as well as useful travel suggestions – so TheWholeWorldorNothing.com was born. Our good friends as well as households never expected us to do something rather so spontaneous so we hope that this blog will influence you to put your fears aside as well as go comply with your dreams!

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

Here’s to the world! What are you waiting for?

Disclaimer:Goats On The road is an Amazon partner as well as likewise an affiliate for some other retailers. This implies we make commissions if you click links on our blog as well as purchase from those retailers.

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