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25 LA UNION vacationer spots & things to Do 2022

Hailed as the Surfing capital of the North, La Union takes pride in its monster swells that hug its shores for a lot of of the year. along with Siargao and Baler, “Elyu”, as regulars fondly call it, completes the holy trinity of Philippine surfing. The province’s track record as a wave rider’s playground has been well documented on various publications; it’s pretty much common knowledge.

But there is so much a lot more to La Union than its waves. Sprinkled throughout the province are a diverse set of attractions that have been mainly overlooked. From historic manmade sites like Baluarte enjoy Tower and Pindangan Ruins to other natural wonders like Tangadan Falls and Immuki Island, here are other noteworthy places to check out and things to do that will make you fall in love even deeper with La Union.

Note: travel policies and opening hours typically change, so please check the official web sites or Facebook pages for the current announcements first before going.

Hva er dekket i denne veiledningen?

BEST vacationer spots IN LA UNIONUrbiztondo Surfing
San Juan Food Trip
Tangadan Falls
Immuki Island
Bauang Grape Farms

SAN JUAN vacationer SpotsUrbiztondo beach & Sunset
Lotus Valley Farm
CURMA Center

SAN FERNANDO vacationer SpotsMa Cho Temple
Filipino-Chinese friendship Pagoda
Pindangan Ruins
Halo-halo de Iloko
Christ the Redeemer Statue
Thunderbird Poro point Resort
Poro point Lighthouse

NORTHERN LA UNION vacationer SpotsParaoir Manmade Forest
Nalvo Pebble Beach
Baluarte Watchtower
Bahay na Bato
Bato de Luna
Darigayos Beach

SOUTHERN LA UNION vacationer SpotsCiano Umok Gallery & cafe Ilocano
Agoo Eco fun World
Agoo Basilica
PUGAD Pugo Adventure

Top La Union Resorts and HotelsSearch for a lot more La Union Resorts!

More ideas on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️Related Posts:

BEST vacationer spots IN LA UNION

Urbiztondo Surfing

Okay, let’s get this out of the way first considering that it would be a severe crime to not include surfing in this list.

The best time to surf is from July to March. Whether you’re a seasoned rider, an ecstatic beginner or simply a spectator, surfing is inescapable here. Surfboard rentals and surfing lessons are everywhere. rates vary depending on the season (peak and off-peak).

Surfing Lesson Rates: P350-500 (1 hour, with surfboard and instructors); P200-250 (surfboard rental only).

Surfing Season: July to October (South Swell); November to March (North Swell)

San Juan Food Trip

For non-surfers, San Juan uses another type of trip — the delicious kind! The food here is enough to compel us to check out La Union again and again. The food scene here is alive and kicking. There’s just a lot to discover and there’s always something new. whenever we visit, we try many joints and yet it always seems like we’re barely scratching the surface. but it’s fine because it indicates that we have a lot more reasons to check out again.

Whether you are on a budget or in the mood to splurge, San Juan has a lot to offer. Our favorites so far are the following:

MASA Bakehouse – try their shakshouka and Manong Benny (Eggs Benedict)

Gefseis Greek Grill – chicken souvlaki and moussaka

Mad Monkeys – smoky BBQ bacon burger

Tagpuan – goto and lugaw

Dampa sa San Juan –

Sabong chicken – honey bagoong fried chicken

Kabsat – beef kare-kare and shrimp in crab fat

Nak Nak – crispy pork kare-kare and beef sisig

Makai Bowls – surfer’s bowl

Aside from the restaurants, San Juan also harbors cafés where you can just take pleasure in a cup of your favorite coffee concoction while chilling and vibing with your friends! There are exceptional homegrown coffee shops using local coffee blends and other beverages. We’ve tried the offerings El Union Coffee and clean beach Coffee.

We’ll be publishing a separate post about the various food places around San Juan soon, so enjoy out for that.

Tangadan Falls

Nestled in the mountainous area of San Gabriel, Tangadan Falls is probably the most popular of the lots of cascades in the province. Baroro River flows down two tiers, each with its own natural pool. The whole place is surrounded by smooth limestone cliffs and peppered with boulders.

During the rainy season, the lower tier produces twin cascades. The cold water is refreshing after the 15-minute trek down from the jump-off point. If you are not a confident swimmer, you can rent a life vest or just swim in the shallow parts. avoid the mossy rocks because they are very slippery, but if you cant help it, be extra careful. For the adventurous, you can go cliff jumping!

The way back to the jump-off point entails ascending trails and taking many concrete steps. Although there are rest stops, it might still be challenging for seniors and those with mobility problems.

No excursion guide, no entry policy. You also need to present the official receipt (OR) issued by the Municipal Treasury office before you can enter Tangadan Falls vicinity. The office is located beside the San Gabriel police Station.

Location: Barangay Amontoc, San Gabriel, La Union
Visiting Hours: 6:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Daily)
Fees: P30/head (Environmental Fee); P500 (Guide Fee)
Habal-Habal Fare: P300/head (Roundtrip, Municipal Treasury office – Tangadan Falls Trailhead)

Immuki Island

Accessible after a 30-minute drive from San Juan, Immuki Island is best for those who are trying to find new adventures in La Union. Off the coast of Barangay Paraoir, it is a rocky paradise adorned with mangroves and carved with three picturesque lagoons.

The lagoons have consistent and clear but deep waters, best for swimming and cliff diving. You can even see fish swimming! However, note that there are shallow areas and there are also deep areas. The deep parts of the lagoons range from eight (8) to twelve (12) feet in depth. Moreover, put on protective footwear like aqua shoes because the rocks and corals are sharp.

To access Immuki Island, you need to register at the barangay hall. There’s a designated vehicle parking lot if you are bringing your car. From here, there are two ways of reaching the island — by treading the waters during low tide and by riding a balsa during high tide. Barangay Paraoir boasts an abundance of sea urchins, so you might spot some on the way to the island.

You cannot bring food and drinks to the island, but you can use one of the cottages along the beach if you are planning to have your lunch there. There are shops, showers and changing cubicles, but they are very basic. Bring your own toiletries and towels too.

Location: Barangay Paraoir, Balaoan, La Union
Visiting Hours: 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM (Daily)
Fees: P20/head (Environmental Fee); P250 (Balsa Rental, good for 5-7 pax); P10 (Shower Fee); Donation-Type (Cottage)

Bauang Grape Farms.

The town of Bauang boasts hectare upon hectare of vineyards and grape farms. Overshadowed by the beaches and waves of the neighboring towns, the grape-picking activity in Bauang is certainly an underrated attraction in the province. but timing is everything here because grapes are seasonal. thankfully for us, we checked out in March, just in time for the grape-picking season!

Along the long stretch of MacArthur Highway, from TPLEX going to San Fernando and San Juan, we observed several people with posters that read: “Grape Picking” or “Grape Farm/Grape Picking”. We didn’t know whether or not they are legit, so we went straight to Lomboy Grape Farm‘s Uvas Café and inquired there. We chose it because the founder of Lomboy farm is the pioneer of grape farming in the region, credited for introducing the industry to La Union.

After registering, we were led to the partner grape farm (Danny Ancheta’s Grapes Farm). The team actually took pleasure in our time picking grapes and sampling local grape wine, fruit wine, and natural fruit juice concentrate — Mangosteen, Blueberry, and Guyabano.

Best Grape-Picking Months: March to may (Dry Season)
Fees: P25/head (Registration/Entrance Fee); P350/kilo (Grape picking Activity); P25 (Parking Fee)
Established Grape Farms: Lomboy Grape Farms, Gapuz Grapes Farm, Danny Ancheta’s Grapes Farm, Manguerra Grapes Farm, Calica Grapes Farm, Acosta Grapes Farm, and others

SAN JUAN vacationer Spots

Urbiztondo beach & Sunset

This is where it all started! a lot more than half of Elyu’s income is generated in San Juan, particularly from the Urbizondo area where accommodations and dining places mushroomed between the 2000s and 2010s. This is La Union’s tourism hub.

From its large bed of sand to its spectacular sunset, you’ll find a lot to take pleasure in here even if you’re not interested in surfing at all. The shore is lined with restaurants and cafes, making it a favorite hangout place for sunbathers, foodies, and sunset lovers. The area is also a popular spot for nightlife and beach parties.

Urbiztondo beach is the best area to stay in La Union because of its proximity to the beach and the highway as well as its large variety of dining options. other attractions in La Union are also easily easily accessible from here. You’ll also find a lot of accommodations here.

If you wish to make Urbiztondo as your base, here are some of your lodging options:

Urbiz garden Bed and Breakfast. FB page.

The escape San Juan. check rates & Availability! ✅

The little Surfmaid Resort. check rates & Availability! ✅

EL Navi Surftown. check rates & Availability! ✅

Costa rental property beach Resort. check rates & Availability! ✅

Surfer’s point Deck. check rates & Availability! ✅

Lotus Valley Farm.

NOTE: Lotus Valley farm remains CLOSED, but we’re including it here on this list in case they decide to open. (The management said they would be opening soon when we inquired.)

Are you a lot more of a mountain person? Do you like peace and quiet? Well, you might want to consider staying at Lotus Valley Farm, a sustainable and environment-friendly nature resort tucked away in the mountainous parts of the popular surf town.

It started in 2009 when owneRS og Miljø Advokater Toby og Marissa Tamayo kjøpte hektar land og forvandlet det til en frodig og blomstrende agro-turisme destinasjon. De skapte et skogsparadis med over 20.000 trær av ulike typer (Narra, Antipolo, Molave, etc.) og mange medisinske, ornamental og spiselige planter. Og i midten bygde de bambushytter, hvor gjestene kan tilbringe natten.

Det har også en lotusblomstplantehage, en bekk og en fjær som også bidrar til å forsyne vann i hele Barangay. Noen deler av denne skjulte perlen er ikke åpne for publikum fordi de er hjemmet til ville bier, flaggermus og fugler, bare for å nevne noen. Matalternativene som brukes her er plantebaserte, gård til bordtyper.

Før pandemien hadde vi det privilegium å touring gården og oppleve akupunktur detox og lyd meditasjon. Vi hadde også en deilig plantebasert middag laget av grønnsaker som ble høstet fra selve gården.

Dagutfluktskontrollen ble tillatt pre-pandemi. Men å overnatte i deres Kubo er en annen opplevelse. Ingen behov for air-condition og du kommer til å våkne opp til lyden av fuglene! Hvis du planlegger å tilbringe en natt her (når de gjenåpner), merk at mobiltelefonsignalet er grovt, så det indikerer vekk fra gadgets og mye mer tid til å kommunisere med naturen.

Hvis du bare er interessert i å se en ekspansjon av Lotus planter, bortsett fra Lotus Valley Farm, er det også veikanten Lotus Farms som er offentlig lett tilgjengelig i La Union som denne:

Bilde av Mariah Cruz
Det er også solsikkebedrifter.

Adresse: Sitio Kasilagan, Dasaya, San Juan, La Union
Kontaktdetaljer: 0942 366 4519 (mobilnummer)

Curma Center.

Hvis du har et hjerte for Marine Life Conservation, eller du er bare nysgjerrig på hvordan du kan bidra til å sikre miljøet, vil du kanskje sjekke ut Sifcare-Curma Hatchery i San Juan. Curma (Coastal Underwater Resource Management Actions) fokuserer på bevaring og beskyttelse av marine skilpadder gjennom vanlig strand patruljering og klekkeri management.

Annet enn det, samarbeider organisasjonen også med andre interesserte parter for kystrengjøring og pawikan-release-arrangementer.

Gruppen utfører også informasjons- og utdanningskampanjer og andre advocacies som “No Plastic” -kampanjen. Hvis du er interessert i frivillig arbeid eller donasjon, kan du sjekke ut hovedkvarteret eller det offisielle nettstedet for å lære mer.

Adresse: Sifcare-Curma Hatchery, 374 Saint Jude Subdivison, Ili Norte, San Juan, La Union
Kontaktdetaljer: 0942 366 4519 (mobilnummer); curma@sifcare.org (e-postadresse); http://sifcare.org/curma (offisiell nettside)

San Fernando ferierende flekker

MA Cho Temple.

MA Cho-tempelet er et kjent kulturelt landemerke i San Fernando. Konstruert i 1977 sies dette å være det første taoistiske tempelet i Filippinene og er dedikert til det kinesiske havgudinnen Mazu (MA CHO).

Hviler på en bakke, gir en panoramautsikt over San Fernando havn og Vest-Philippine Sea. It features the Altar of the Goddess of Ma Cho, the Altar of Our Heavenly Father, the Statues of the 18 Taoist Disciples, the Majestic Five-Door Gate, the Bamboo Garden, the Lian thing Pagoda, The Goddess of Mercy (Kwan Yen), the Bell and Drum Tower, and its distinguished Spider-Type Dome. The temple is open to both worshipers and non-worshipers.

There’s an annual pilgrimage wherein the image of Ma Cho travels from San Fernando to the Archdiocesan Shrine of Our lady of Caysasay in Taal, Batangas during the 5th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar because lots of followers believe that Ma Cho and Our lady of Caysasay are one and the same.

Address: Ma Cho Temple, Quezon Avenue, San Fernando, La Union
Opening Hours: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Daily). note that the schedule may change, so check the official web site or Facebook page before going.
Entrance Fee: FREE

Filipino-Chinese friendship Pagoda

Also sitting on top of a hill, this friendship Pagoda is a commemoration of the neighborly relations between the Filipinos and the Chinese people. It supplies a picturesque view of the city of San Fernando and the sea beyond.

At its fe

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