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ITALIAN SCHENGEN VISA demands & Application process (VIA Center)

Here’s our SCHENGEN VISA guide for applicants wishing to get one from the embassy OF ITALY in the Philippines (through the PIASI through Center). It includes a total listing OF demands and the step-by-step APPLICATION process based on our personal experience. This is for Filipinos applying in Manila or Cebu for a short-term traveler VISA only, and not for long-term, work, reunion, research study or company visa.

When we very first explored Europe, we went to 16 different countries with a Germany-issued Schengen visa. however to our surprise, there was one destination that completely captivated us — ITALY. This boot-shaped Mediterranean specify spoiled us with its delectable cuisine, jaw-dropping architecture, amazing sights, and enlightening history. We stayed in Italy for two weeks, however we understood from Day 1 that it would not be sufficient and that a return trip was bound to occur sooner or later.

Sooner, it turned out. just a couple of years later, we discovered ourselves collecting all the files needed to total another Schengen Visa application. however this time, we were praying to the visa gods of Italy.

This wasn’t the very first time we used for a Schengen visa, however of all our visa applications, this made us the most nervous. Italy is notorious within my travel circles as one of the strictest when it concerns evaluating applications. I can only assume that the primary reason is the sheer number of Filipino workers in Italy, around 170,000 documented OFWs plus tens of thousands undocumented. If on the internet sources are to be believed, Italy has one of the greatest rejection rates, together with France and Spain. however our plan included staying in Italy the longest so we had to try.

We’re thankful that we did. As we began preparing, we realized that — yes, it is strict — however the process is also a great deal simpler and much more straightforward. We used through the PIASI through center (Visa info and Application Center). No prior appointment needed and no soul-crushing interviews. It was quite quick too. I was given a visa after only 4 days!

Anyway, here’s exactly how to apply for an Italian Schengen Visa.

Hva er dekket i denne guiden?

2. Accomplished Application Form
3. recent Photo
4. introduction Letter
5. proof of available Accommodations
6. Photocopy of Passport Pages
7. proof of Employment
8. proof of monetary Means
9. travel insurance
10. identity Documents
11. total Itinerary
12. flight Reservations
13. Visa Fee

HOW TO apply FOR AN ITALIAN SCHENGEN VISA1. total the needed documents.
2. submit the demands to the through Center.
3. insurance claim your passport and visa.

ITALIAN VISA often ASKED QUESTIONS1. exactly how long does the entire Italian Visa Application process take?
2. exactly how early ought to I apply for an Italian Schengen visa?
3. exactly how long is the validity of the Schengen Visa?
4. ought to I apply for a single-, double-, or multiple-entry visa?
5. exactly how much money ought to I have in the bank to get approved?
6. What are the reasons why my Schengen visa application would be denied?
7. Do I truly requirement flight tickets before applying?
8. Do I requirement to submit the original copies of the documents?
9. I’m applying with a group/family. Do I requirement to offer a copy of every file for every member?
10. Is personal appearance required?
11. I am going to European countries outside the Schengen zone and then re-entering the zone after. What ought to I answer to the “Indicate number of days” field on the application form: the overall number of days in Europe or just the number of days within the zone?
12. On the Schengen info section (Page 5) of the through on the internet application form, what if I have much more than one visas?
13. On the Fingerprint info section (Page 6) of the through on the internet application form, what am I expected to answer?
14. What to answer to the permit info section (Page 7) of the through on the internet application form?
15. On the members info section (Page 9) of the application form, there are tick boxes that checked out “by a applicant”, “by a sponsor”, and “means of support”. Hva er disse?
16. What does an Italian Schengen Visa look like?
17. I make this much per month, have this much funds in my bank account, have went to these countries and have these supporting documents. will my application be approved?
18. What other countries can I go to utilizing an Italian Schengen visa?
For much more Schengen Visa often Asked Questions, inspect out this post: Schengen Visa for Filipinos

More suggestions on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️Related Posts:


Apply for an Italian Schengen Visa only if one of these apply to you.

You’re going to Italy or Vatican City only and will not go to any oITALIAN SCHENGEN VISA demands & Application process (VIA Center) (###) Here’s our SCHENGEN VISA guide for applicants wishing to get one from the embassy OF ITALY in the Philippines (through the PIASI through Center). It includes a total listing OF demands and the step-by-step APPLICATION process based on our personal experience. This is for Filipinos applying in Manila or Cebu for a short-term traveler VISA only, and not for long-term, work, reunion, research study or company visa.

When we very first explored Europe, we went to 16 different countries with a Germany-issued Schengen visa. however to our surprise, there was one destination that completely captivated us — ITALY. This boot-shaped Mediterranean specify spoiled us with its delectable cuisine, jaw-dropping architecture, amazing sights, and enlightening history. We stayed in Italy for two weeks, however we understood from Day 1 that it would not be sufficient and that a return trip was bound to occur sooner or later.

Sooner, it turned out. just a couple of years later, we discovered ourselves collecting all the files needed to total another Schengen Visa application. however this time, we were praying to the visa gods of Italy.

This wasn’t the very first time we used for a Schengen visa, however of all our visa applications, this made us the most nervous. Italy is notorious within my travel circles as one of the strictest when it concerns evaluating applications. I can only assume that the primary reason is the sheer number of Filipino workers in Italy, around 170,000 documented OFWs plus tens of thousands undocumented. If on the internet sources are to be believed, Italy has one of the greatest rejection rates, together with France and Spain. however our plan included staying in Italy the longest so we had to try.

We’re thankful that we did. As we began preparing, we realized that — yes, it is strict — however the process is also a great deal simpler and much more straightforward. We used through the PIASI through center (Visa info and Application Center). No prior appointment needed and no soul-crushing interviews. It was quite quick too. I was given a visa after only 4 days!

Anyway, here’s exactly how to apply for an Italian Schengen Visa.

Hva er dekket i denne guiden?

2. Accomplished Application Form
3. recent Photo
4. introduction Letter
5. proof of available Accommodations
6. Photocopy of Passport Pages
7. proof of Employment
8. proof of monetary Means
9. travel insurance
10. identity Documents
11. total Itinerary
12. flight Reservations
13. Visa Fee

HOW TO apply FOR AN ITALIAN SCHENGEN VISA1. total the needed documents.
2. submit the demands to the through Center.
3. insurance claim your passport and visa.

ITALIAN VISA often ASKED QUESTIONS1. exactly how long does the entire Italian Visa Application process take?
2. exactly how early ought to I apply for an Italian Schengen visa?
3. exactly how long is the validity of the Schengen Visa?
4. ought to I apply for a single-, double-, or multiple-entry visa?
5. exactly how much money ought to I have in the bank to get approved?
6. What are the reasons why my Schengen visa application would be denied?
7. Do I truly requirement flight tickets before applying?
8. Do I requirement to submit the original copies of the documents?
9. I’m applying with a group/family. Do I requirement to offer a copy of every file for every member?
10. Is personal appearance required?
11. I am going to European countries outside the Schengen zone and then re-entering the zone after. What ought to I answer to the “Indicate number of days” field on the application form: the overall number of days in Europe or just the number of days within the zone?
12. On the Schengen info section (Page 5) of the through on the internet application form, what if I have much more than one visas?
13. On the Fingerprint info section (Page 6) of the through on the internet application form, what am I expected to answer?
14. What to answer to the permit info section (Page 7) of the through on the internet application form?
15. On the members info section (Page 9) of the application form, there are tick boxes that checked out “by a applicant”, “by a sponsor”, and “means of support”. Hva er disse?
16. What does an Italian Schengen Visa look like?
17. I make this much per month, have this much funds in my bank account, have went to these countries and have these supporting documents. will my application be approved?
18. What other countries can I go to utilizing an Italian Schengen visa?
For much more Schengen Visa often Asked Questions, inspect out this post: Schengen Visa for Filipinos

More suggestions on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️Related Posts:


Apply for an Italian Schengen Visa only if one of these apply to you.

You’re going to Italy or Vatican City only and will not go to any oHase -billetter til visumet ditt er godkjent. Du krever bare å reservere.

Finn et reisebyrå som kan reservere fly for deg. I vårt tilfelle fikk vi alle våre flyreservasjoner fra Gazelle Travel and Tours. Du kan reservere flyreiser her: Nøyaktig hvordan du kan få flyreservasjoner

13. Visumavgift

Her er utgiftene til kortsiktig visum (turisme/besøk) da jeg søkte:

12yo eller eldre = 60 € (P3519)
6-11yo = 35 € (P2053)
5yo eller yngre = gratis

Imidlertid er det en rapport om at visumkostnader på tvers av alle Schengen -ambassader har økt til 80 euro per søker.

I tillegg krever du også å betale P1450 som omhandler siktelse som er belastet av Piasi. I følge nettstedet deres og matriser på stedet er behandlingen bare P1350, men vi ble belastet P1450. Jeg er ikke sikker på om vi ble belastet en ekstra P100 for noe annet.

Uansett, det er et samlet sett på P4969.

Du kan få flyreservasjoner, hotellreservasjoner og reiseforsikringsdekning på nettet! Vi kom i kontakt med Gazelle Travel and Tours, en DTI-registrert dot-akkreditert reisebyrå, slik at de raskt kan tilby disse tjenestene til leserne våre.

For prisene og mye mer info, les: flyreiser og hotellreservasjoner

Les: Fly og hotellreservasjoner

Hvordan søke om et italiensk Schengen -visum

1. Totalt de nødvendige dokumentene.

Samle alle kravene som nevnt ovenfor. Det kan også være lurt å laste ned denne sjekklisten, så du har en enkel referanse.

For enklere behandling, ordne filene dine i henhold til kjøpet over. Vi organiserte også fotokopiene til våre frimerker og tidligere visum i henhold til nøyaktig hvordan de vises på passene våre.

Selv om det ikke er noen spesifisert papirstørrelse, valgte vi å skrive ut alle dokumentene våre på A4-størrelse papir fordi det er den europeiske standarden.

2. Send inn kravene til gjennomgående sentrum.

Her er adressene og firmadimene til Piasi gjennom sentrum i Makati og Cebu.

Via Center Makati
3F Allegro Center, Chino Roces Ave, Makati,
2284 Metro Manila, Filippinene
Telefon: +632-845-9200 / +632-845-9215
E -post: ita_inquiry@via.ph

Via Center Cebu
1004 Keppel Bldg, Cardinal Rosales Avenue Cor Samar Loop,
Cebu City, 6000 Cebu, Filippinene
Telefon: +63-32-412-7447
E -post: ita_inquiry@via.ph

Du kan rutine en avtale, eller du kan bare gå inn.

Hvis du ønsker å bestille en avtale, kan du beskytte et spor via telefon. Akkurat her er detaljene:

Avtaler Hotline: (02) 845 9200
Samtaletimer: Mandag til lørdag, fra 8 til 18:00
Stengt: Søndager og helligdager

Men en avtale er valgfri. Du kan bare dukke opp ved gjennom sentrum. Det var det vi gjorde. Vi gikk bare inn! De godtar visumsøknader i samsvar med tider:

Mandag til torsdag 8:00 til 14:30
Fredag ​​fra 08.00 til 13.30
Stengt: Lørdager, søndager, helligdager

Hvis du søker i Makati, gå til andre etasje. Selv om primærkontoret ligger i tredje etasje i Allegro Center, er deres område for walk-in-søkere i andre etasje. Her er vår erfaring.

Nærme deg den aller første telleren best etter døren. Personalet vil kort inspisere søknadstypen og bildet ditt.

Registrer deg på loggboken deres.

Få et kønummer og informasjonsskjema. Denne korte typen vil spørre deg om søknaden din og nøyaktig hvordan du vil at passet ditt skal returneres: ved henting eller etter levering.

Ta et behagelig sete og vent på tur. Bruk denne ledige tiden til å fylle ut informasjonsarket.

Når nummeret ditt er ringt, nærmer du deg disken og sender inn dokumentene dine. De vil inspisere hver fil nøye, så det vil ta litt tid. Hvis du velger å få passet ditt levert, må du ta vare på det her også. Du blir bedt om å gå tilbake til setet og vente på biometri -samlingen.

Når du er kalt, nærmer du deg biometri -telleren der et personell vil ta fingeravtrykkene dine.

Klatre til tredje etasje og oppdag kassereren.

Utføre betaling! Bare penger. Ikke unnlater å huske kvitteringen og offisiell kvittering.

Det er det! Du er ferdig! Gjennom Center vil deretter fremme søknaden din til den italienske ambassaden, som vil være den som evaluerer den.

Etter min erfaring tok hele behandlingen 3 timer. Det burde ha gått 2 timer, men de uttalte at vi manglet et par firmafiler, så vi måtte gå ut, skrive ut disse dokumentene og vente på tur igjen.

3. Forsikring krever pass og visum.

Når resultatene er i, vil du få en

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