Last Updated: 4/16/22 | April 16th, 2022
I have a confession to make: I have a significant concern of flying. I dislike it. It scares the living crap out of me.
This is exactly how my normal flight terminal experience goes:
Before the flight: “I can’t wait to get on a airplane as well as kick back as well as enjoy some movies. This is going to be great!”
During takeoff: “Why are we turning like this? Are we rolling over?! Why does the engine noise that way? I don’t like this. Are we going to die? get me off!”
During the flight, as I enjoy a motion picture or do work: “I can’t believe we’re flying. science is amazing. I have Wi-Fi in the sky! look in any way the quite clouds!”
During turbulence: “What was that sound? Are we meant to turn like that? Why is this so bumpy?! That was a huge drop! Hva er galt? Vi skal alle dø!!! Ahhhh!!!”
During landing: “Breathe. Puste. Puste. It’s going to be fine. Puste.”
After the flight: “I like flying. Let’s go do it again!”
Flying provides me a great deal of anxiety. I grip the armrest white-knuckled at least half the flight! It’s gotten so poor over the years, I can no longer fly without taking a Xanax beforehand. as well as I’m not alone: over 30% of people get stress and anxiety while flying.
For me, it’s since I’m afraid of heights… or, a lot more specifically, falling. I don’t like bungee jumps, being near ledges, or even looking down from a tall building. It sets my heart racing as well as provides me minor vertigo.
Heck, often on high bridges, I requirement to walk on the inside of the walkway as well as look down at the ground in buy to get across.
And, even though statistically, flying is one of the safest modes of transportation (there is a one in 11 million possibility of dying in a airplane crash, however one in 100 in a car), I don’t have a similar reaction when I’m driving. I feel risk-free since I’m in control.
“I’m driving, I’m excellent — it’s everybody else I requirement to enjoy out for,” I (and a lot of people) think.
However, when we are in a plane, it’s all as much as two strangers we’ve never satisfied in the front of an aluminum tube going 500 miles an hour 37,000 feet above the air.
A great deal of the concern of flying is about that lack of control. I mean, exactly how do you understand those pilots understand what they are doing or don’t want to fly into a mountain? You don’t really.
On a rational level, I understand I’m going to make it to my destination. nearly 99% of planes accidents don’t have any type of fatalities, so even if we do crash, the chances are in my favor.
But the lost sense of manage freaks me out. I mean, who are these pilots? Did they get sufficient sleep the night before? Are they sane? Are they experienced sufficient to understand what to perform in an emergency?
I just recently sat on a flight next to a person who supplied counseling for pilots as well as flight attendants with compound abuse problems. On the one hand, I was comforted by the truth the FAA has stringent policies (sadly, not lots of other countries do) associated to the issue. On the other, I was disturbed by exactly how much of a issue he told me this was in the industry.
There I am, 35,000 feet above the ground, with my fate in the hands of two strangers. It combines my two greatest fears. I mean, what if we go down? You have twenty or thirty seconds of sheer scary falling as you recognize THIS IS IT! (Having experienced a fast descent once, I can tell you it’s not fun.)
I generally look like Kristin Wiig from Bridesmaids when I’m in the sky:
But I fly around 100,000 miles a year, so I have to discover exactly how to offer with my fear. flying is part of my job, as well as gets me to where I want to go the most effective method — as well as I want to go a great deal of places.
And considering that I’m not alone, I want to share three techniques I’ve discovered to assist get over the concern of flying (or, at the least, cope with the anxiety):
Fake it — As the stating goes, fake it up until you make it. When I’m flying, I like to envision myself as a typical person. What would a person who isn’t terrified of flying do ideal now? They would sit there, checked out the in-flight magazine or sleep, as well as be calm. They would tune it out. So I turn my headphones on, take a deep breath, as well as checked out a book or focus on a movie. I tune out my concern as well as pretend it doesn’t exist. I distract my mind as well as have it focus on something else. This technique works wonders, as well as by the time I tune back in, we’re at cruising altitude as well as the stress and anxiety is gone!
Recite the facts — I like to recite facts about airline security to reassure myself that planes are risk-free as well as I’m going to be fine. I’m always repeating to myself things like “Planes are safe, planes are risk-free — they have strict security rules” or “Turbulence doesn’t cause aiRPLANE -ulykker – det er bare endringer i luftstrømmen ”eller“ biler er langt mye farligere. ” Bruk ditt rasjonelle sinn til å gjenkjenne nøyaktig hvor dum bekymring er så vel som hvordan det ikke er noen grunn til at du er redd. Sannheten om at vi som samfunn gir et stort tilbud av flyulykker er siden de er så sjeldne.
Drikk – Når jeg ikke kan falske det eller det rasjonelle sinnet mitt ikke fungerer, drikker jeg for å roe nervene mine. Det fungerer også underverker. På lange flyreiser er det meg, mini-flasker med hvitvin (eller en ambien), samt sove til min destinasjon. Ofte bare å ta kanten av er den eneste metoden å tilby med den.
Betal renter – Dette fungerer virkelig bare siden jeg flyr så mye, men jeg har oppdaget at det å forstå hvordan en typisk flytur virker som virkelig kan hjelpe. Jeg ser på flybevisste for å se hvordan typiske hastigheter på start, cruising, så vel som landing ser ut for flyet mitt. Jeg betaler renter til motoren mye, så jeg vet, “OK, det er ment å støy som det.” Å forstå hva en typisk flytur er som å hjelpe meg med å gjenkjenne at min også er typisk – så vel som det tar kanten av.
Det var ikke alltid denne metoden – jeg benyttet meg av å like berg -coasters, høyder, så vel som å fly, i tillegg til at det ikke var livredd for å falle av en bro. Imidlertid endret noe de siste årene.
Nå ser jeg ned fra flyet i tillegg til å tenke: “Vi er langt oppe. Vi er ferdige. Noen får meg et glass vin! ”
Så selv om jeg kanskje aldri kommer over bekymringen min for å fly, kan jeg takle det i tillegg til at det ikke lar det styre meg.
Etter noen få dype åndedrag, litt vin, som innser at det er sikkerhetskrav på plass, i tillegg til å regulere de nåværende filmene i flyet, roer jeg meg, gleder meg over flyturen, samt undrer seg over vitenskapen som får meg Halvveis rundt om i verden på femten timer.
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Finn en rimelig flytur ved å bruke Skyscanner. Det er min foretrukne bla gjennom motoren siden den søker på nettsteder så vel som flyselskaper over hele kloden, slik at du alltid forstår at ingen stein er igjen.
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