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Last Updated: 2/19/2018 | February, 19th, 2018

Yeah, I utilized the F word. That’s exactly how much I dislike Ko Phi Phi.

I was expected to go to Ko Phi Phi in 2005, however the deadly 2004 tsunami destroyed the island. Thousands were killed as well as injured on the island. The entire coastline was devastated, with Phi Phi one of the hardest hit. It was one of the most significant natural catastrophes to ever hit the country. identified to get there as well as wanting to contribute to the rebuilding, I made it my very first stop in Thailand when I stop my task to travel the world in 2006.

Construction was around the place, tourists were returning — some likewise assisting rebuild — as well as the government was appealing to make the island much more sustainable. Spirits were high. Naturally, it wasn’t like the postcards. The inner beach was littered with coral swept in by the sea, however just outside town was gorgeous long Beach, an undeveloped stretch of white sand as well as turquoise water. I didn’t autumn in like Ko Phi Phi, however I believed that if they restricted advancement as they said, this location wouldn’t be half bad.

Fast ahead two years.

I traveled to Ko Phi Phi (twice) while living in Bangkok to find that they hadn’t kept their promise: the island had ended up being overdeveloped (again). hotels were everywhere. boats seemed to sound the island, ferrying an unlimited queue of tourists. There were bars on the beach; the bit street stall food court near the dock was gone; as well as resorts, tourists, as well as loud music were inescapable. Ko Phi Phi had ended up being an overpriced celebration island. long beach was still the only haven, however small guesthouses had popped up, chipping away at paradise. You might tell it wasn’t going to be as well long before it was wholly consumed by the advancement sprawl creeping out from town.

Fast ahead one more two years.

Everything that was poor about the island had multiplied 10 times. Maya Bay, a place made well-known by the film The Beach, was bursting at the seams. The island trips were full of swim areas where you only saw dead coral. long Beach, though still beautiful, now had resorts, as well as a thin layer of boat fuel coated the water.

I left disgusted.

It was crowded, dirty, full of drunk tourists, awful food, unfriendly locals*, as well as an atmosphere destroyed by development.

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Fast ahead to last month, when I went to Ko Phi Phi when again.

“I believed you hated this place,” a visitor I ran into stated to me. “Hvorfor er du her?”

“I’m right here to update my guide. I requirement to see this location with fresh eyes.”

Han lo. “Mate, nothing has changed.”

Han hadde rett.

I hated it much more than ever.

It’s risk-free to state that the next time the guide needs updating, I won’t be inspecting up on Ko Phi Phi.

Maya Bay has been destroyed even more, partially cleared to put in bit huts, a snack bar, bathrooms, as well as even a smoking area. trash is everywhere. (Update 11/2018: It’s so poor Thai officials hve lastly closed Maya Bay to tourism. say thanks to god!)

Ko Phi Phi charges 20 baht to go to (a conservation fee, they claim, though it’s apparent they are just saving their bank balance), long beach has been completely established with big resorts as well as hotels, music blasts throughout the island day as well as night, costs are high for no reason other than people will pay up, as well as the inner beach, still littered with coral, is now full of bars from end to end. In the morning, there’s much more trash than beach.

The water is still very polluted with a thin film of…well, I don’t want to know…on top if it. trash as well as sewage are disposed best into the water. There were booze cruises, expensive boat trips, a McDonald’s, as well as much more restaurants serving Western food than Thai food. The town’s buildings are so firmly packed that a person loses any type of sense of being on an island.
They actually paved over paradise:

(That is me standing at one end of the island looking out to the beach across the way.)

Is Ko Phi Phi worth visiting?

As far as I’m concerned, Ko Phi Phi has lost what bit spirit it had left. It is an ugly, overpriced destination living off the truth people go there because….well, I assumption you’re expected to go there?

I’ve been living in or going to Thailand for thirteen years. I’ve been around the country. Ko Phi Phi is one of those locations that takes the worst of Thailand tourism as well as puts everything in one overpriced location. This location has nothing to offer you can’t get on one more island.

Thailand is full of beautiful, picturesque tropical islands like Ko Mak, Ko Jum, Ko Chang, Ko Adang, as well as Ko Lanta. Those are the ones you see on postcards, the ones that spur the creativity as well as attract adventure.

Og hvis duwant to party, you will discover celebrations similarly as great — at less expensive costs — on Ko Chang, Ko Samui, Ko Phanang, as well as Ko Tao.

I can’t truly figure out why people go there. I asked people I met. “I hear the celebrations are great as well as I wished to see Maya Bay. Jeg vet ikke. It’s well-known for a reason, right?”

There are much better as well as less expensive islands in Thailand for just about anything you want.

Ko Phi Phi has no redeeming qualities.

And I don’t see myself ever returning.

The island can’t support the number of people it gets anyway. provide nature a break. save your bank account. discover a nicer place. Go elsewhere.

Please prevent this hellhole.

*I don’t fault the locals. If you dealt with the obnoxious celebration tourists I saw on that island daily of your life, you wouldn’t provide a f*ck either!

Note: I understand they have just recently chose to close Maya Bay in the off season to provide it a break. It’s the step in the best direction however I don’t believe it will modification much. They already established the island. They requirement to eliminate all the structures there, limit the number of people who go, as well as provide nature a time to heal. provided the government’s track record on complying with with with environmental promises, I won’t be holding my breath.

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